Green Informations | Health | Technology | Marketing: August 2011


Monday, 1 August 2011

Guidelines For Constructing Your Commercial Greenhouse

Guidelines For Constructing Your Commercial Greenhouse

The productivity and efficiency of operating a greenhouse is primarily dependent on the kind of growing materials used.

Kinds of Greenhouses
Detached greenhouses generally independently stand from each other. However, they can be joined to gain access by way of a corridor to the other greenhouse.

The Quonset is the most common detached type of greenhouse for use in commercial production.  These types are constructed using arched rafters that normally have end solid walls for added support. Quonset greenhouses types are appropriate for most crop varieties however the growing capacity is to a certain degree restricted close to “the side walls” which reduces productivity and efficiency.

Ridge greenhouses are joined through the eave with a shared gutter. Normally, an interior wall located underneath the gutter is absent permitting increased productivity.

Ridge greenhouses can either be curved arch or gabled. Gabled greenhouses are generally suitable for substantial coverings such as fiberglass or glass, whereas curved arch greenhouses are usually covered with much lighter materials such as polycarbonates or polyethylene. Many connected ridge greenhouses often are called "range".


This is one of the very important steps which have to be taken into careful consideration by the grower.  Proper area selection with connection to labor, markets, utilities as well as future expansion really makes a lot of difference in how the business will profit and grow.

Here are basic things to consider:

•  Crops that you will be growing (potted plants, Bedding plants, perennials, herbs, vegetables, etc.)

•  The growing period of the crops (seasonal or year-round)

•  Plants that will be grown (flats, pots, hydroponics bed, troughs, etc.)

•  Growing medium (no soil, soil, mix, compost, nutrient solution, etc.)

•  Growing methods (flooring, movable or fixed benches, growing bags, beds and flood)

•  Annual productivity (space that is required)

•  Marketing technique (retail, wholesale or both)

•  Investment or capital